So the other day I was scrolling through my IPhoto and came across this picture… Sweet picture of my daughter having a Fresh Georgia Peach from The Peach Truck. I’ve told you about them (us) right? I thought so. Anyway, After admiring my daughter for a few minutes I saw something else in this picture. Continue reading →
I’m headed out this morning for the Augusta 70.3. I’ll stop in Atlanta to spend Friday with my buddy Ken Coleman and his family. Hopefully get a good nights rest and then make the 2.5 hour drive over to Augusta to get checked in and ready for the race on Sunday. I have trained hard Continue reading →
So as I mentioned before I have been training for the Augusta 70.3 triathlon. As part of my training I had a 2 hour run scheduled for Saturday morning. Based on the pace I would run this would be around 14 miles. At the end of the day, for most people, 2 hours is a Continue reading →
As many of you know I am an aspiring triathlete. In fact, 2-5 hours of my day 5-6 days a week are dedicated to training. I also love to read autobiographies. I love to hear people’s accounts of what made them successful. So when arguably the most successful triathlete of all time writes her story. Continue reading →
When I train my thoughts can sometimes get pretty raw. For example, I had 3 hours of training today. An hour swim and 2 hours on the bike. Today on the bike I started thinking about my blog. This is about an hour into my bike which was a pretty tough ride. Here’s the potential Continue reading →
So I was having lunch with my buddy Jamie George the other day and the conversation turned, as it usually does at some point, to our kids. The basics. . .how are they, what are they up to, of course, we both always take some time to brag on them a little and I got Continue reading →