So I’ve decided to grow a beard. Like a legitimate one. Well, as legit of one as I can. I’ve had a beard before but I’ve never really made it through the itchy stage. This time I’m committed. I’m thinking start now and not consider shaving until July 4th.
Why not?
I think if I was ever gonna grow one now is as good a time as any.
I’ve seen some lately that I like. I’ve got a look that I’m going to go for and we’ll see if I can pull it off. We’ll track my progress.
I do have one problem though. It dates back to a several month period in 1985.
I was a late bloomer. Seriously shaved for the first time in college and even then it was just b/c I figured it was time. I could have plucked the random hairs on my face just as easy. Anyway, even though there was no need for after shave in the 8th grade I decided I would apply it daily. Not a lot though. Just enough to get the girls talking. You know, walk by and they get that little whiff of a manly smell. That’s what I was going for. So, each day, I would take my bottle of after shave, put my finger over the end, tip it upside down, take my finger and touch my cheek. Then repeat with the opposite hand on the opposite cheek.
Same place. Every day.
I did this consistently for months. Several months. Shoot it may have been years. This is how I did it.
However, I think that may have had a significant impact on my pursuit of the perfect beard at this stage of my life. See, after years of my unnecessary after shave application with what I’m sure was the cheapest aftershave I could purchase I have developed permanent pink spots on my cheeks that grow no hair. These spots are the exact spots where I would apply my smooth smelling lotion. Hair grows around them but no hair on them. Isn’t that a problem? To have a full beard with two perfect hairless circles on each side? I guess we’ll find out.
I’ll keep you posted.
Here’s to a great journey.