So the other day I was scrolling through my IPhoto and came across this picture…
Sweet picture of my daughter having a Fresh Georgia Peach from The Peach Truck. I’ve told you about them (us) right? I thought so. Anyway, After admiring my daughter for a few minutes I saw something else in this picture. The arm that’s attached to my body. You see that arm? That picture was taken in early August of last year. Just 6 short months ago. That is the picture of an in shape arm attached to an in shape body. An in shape body that didn’t struggle when it swam 1400 yards. An in shape body that didn’t call 4 miles a “long run”.
You see, I took 5 months off, gained 20lbs and am now beginning to get back at it again. And it’s hard. Really hard. I liked that arm and the body it was attached to. I had energy. I jumped out of bed when my alarm went off. Now, I’m a little slower to move in the morning. A little more sluggish. I’m not happy with the out of shape me so I’m reengaging. B/c. . . and here’s my question to you. . . .
What’s the option?
If I want to get that in shape arm back, what’s my option other than to lose the weight and get back in shape? Log the miles, swim the laps, get back on the bike, lift the weights b/c. . .
What’s the option?
It’s tough to get started again. It is. It hurts. . .it’s uncomfortable. . . it’s discouraging. .. frustrating.
But What’s the option???
To stay unhappy and uninvolved? On the sidelines?
No thanks. I’ll choose differently.
Lost job? Failed Business? Relationship gone bad? Failed Marriage? What’s keeping you from reengaging? Don’t be that person. Don’t give away your life b/c it hurts to get back in the game. Start today. One day will turn into one month into 10 years.
It happens that fast. Get back in the game.
Years ago when I asked a friend how to run a 1/2 marathon he gave me the best advice on running I’ve ever received. . . “put one foot in front of the other for 13.1 miles” It works with running and life.
Take the first step. . .Any step. . . today.
Great blog this morning. Reminds me of your “just do the next right thing” blog. I think about that every day. When I have much to do, I tend to get overloaded and then do nothing. Great blog today about just taking action no matter how small. It leads to progress, which leads to accomplishment. Thanks.
Thanks Bob!
As a young man of 24, starting my sales career, my manager said something that I still remember,and use, to this day…..”action eliminates doubt and fear”…. just do it !!!
Action. Just do something! I agree. . .the best advice.
Thanks Bill! This is a great reminder. Next Wednesday I am cleared to start running since having back surgery in December. It will be hard, but I remember when you gave me the same advice, just put one foot in front of the other. I can’t wait!
Great news Dino! Start small. . . build from there. You’ll be killing it again in no time.
this post makes me happy. That must have been a wise man who gave you that half marathon advice.
This is true. You are that wise man and it is, indeed, the best advice I ever received.