Last week, I spent 2 days in NYC consulting with a fantastic organization. This was really the first time since I left Lampo that I have engaged this part of my brain and it was time. My brain started firing again and I think I should be able to add some value to this group.
One thing we worked on was getting beyond their vision statement to the core of what they were really trying to accomplish. This is a great exercise whether it be in business, life, family, etc. Whatever it is. . throw a “so that. . . ” on the end of it and make sure you can answer that question.
– We want to increase gross revs 10% over last quarter. . . . So that?. . . .
– We want to sell out our event 30 days early. . . . .So that?. . .
– We want to increase our feeding program by 200 children. . . So that?. . .
– I want to read the Bible through in one year. . . . So that?. . .
– I want to run 3 days a week. . . So that?. . . .
– I want to eliminate television 1 night a week in our home. . . So that?. . . .
Why is it you want to do anything you want to do? See, you can do all the things listed above and more. They are good goals and certainly worthy of attaining. However, if you can’t answer the “so that” then you will move from goal to goal on a surface level, however, never have long term sustained results. Answering this question (sometimes multiple times) will help you determine the real reason you’re setting a particular goal. Don’t let yourself off the hook with a weak answer to this question either. Sit on this for a while. You may find that your goal really isn’t the right one for you.
Go ahead. . say the goal out loud. No, I’m serious. . .say it. Now, answer the “so that”.