I was in my office the other morning going through some files and I came across one that I had forgotten about.
Over the years, people have written me notes. Encouraging cards, Thank you’s, etc. I typically read these and then throw them away. It’s not that I don’t appreciate them, they are always meaningful to me, but seriously, you can’t keep every card you get. However, over the years I began giving the ones that were particularly meaningful to my assistant to have her file for me.
I think that’s important. I’ve talked about this before (check out Fact vs. Feeling) I think that you have to have truth to lean back on from time to time. It’s good to remind yourself who you are to someone else even if you don’t feel that good about yourself on a particular day.
If my daughters have heard this from me once, they’ve heard it a 1000 times. I remind them as I’m dropping them off at school. . .
“Remember someone’s watching you today. You probably don’t know them and you may be surprised if you knew it but there’s someone today that looks up to you and watches your every move. Be aware of that. Be kind to everyone. Make someone smile.”
So I came across this file of cards. Probably 50 that I’ve kept over the last 10 years. In looking through them I was surprised at some of the ones I had filed. I had many moments where I had forgotten how someone had felt or that I had influenced or encouraged them at just the right time in their life. Reading through the file encouraged me today.
Remember who you are to others. Remember that someone is always watching. Remember that you have the ability to write someone a note that they need to see today. And. . when you get a note or card. . .don’t be so fast to read it and pitch it. Save a few. You’ll probably have a day where it will help to pull them out so you can remind yourself who you are to someone else.
Funny, I was thinking along those same lines just a few hours ago. How our resolve and commitment can be an inspiration to other people… People we do not even know.
Awesome to know am not the only one out there.
Thanks for the reminder.