I’ve been considering my days lately. Where I’m spending my time. What has my focus.
Since I left my day job I’ve stayed busy. My days are full. Most of the time, too full. I make adjustments. They fill right back up. Removing things only makes room for more stuff. It all seems important. Of course it’s not. Not in the big picture anyway.
Lately, I’ve been considering what’s the REALLY important stuff. What should I spend my days doing? What should I be doing each day that will help me find what it is I’m SUPPOSED to be doing with my life?
First, I’m reviewing what fills my day? (until 5pm)
- Taking & picking up kids from school
- Breakfast, Coffee, Lunch w/ friends. (combo of catching up and talking business / ideas)
- Training
- Time w/ Amanda
- Reading, Writing
- Everyday errands
I want to do more of some of these things and less of others. I’ve been contemplating this. . .alot. I was on the fence about letting go of some stuff that has been eating up large blocks of my day. Then, on the way into work this morning, I read this tweet from @bobgoff
If we don’t leave some margins, there won’t be places for God to write into our lives. It’s Thursday! What are you going to quit?
Ouch! and Wow! and YES! all at the same time.
For me, this tweet all but made my decision for me. I know what I have to do, but thinking about it throughout today literally makes me sick. My chest is tight, I’m nervous, scared, uncertain. You ever been there? Knowing what you have to do but having trouble making the call?
That’s where I am today.
I left my day job 9 months ago so I could be in a better position to allow God to write his story into my life. I’ve done a lot right over this time, however, I know I can do better. Truth be told, I have filled my days a little too much and, in the process, left little room to hear him speak. I’m afraid, I have, once again, filled the quiet with noise.
Today, I will quit some things. It will be hard. I’m feeling uneasy. Even Sad. In a weird way, however, I like this feeling. There’s some refining going on. MY will is being tested. Time to make some more changes.
How about your life? Do you need to leave some more margin? What will you quit today?